

Monthly Meetings and Speakers

Our monthly meetings take place on the first Monday of each month, or the second Monday when the first Monday is a bank holiday.

The meetings are held at the Charis Centre in Water Lane, Bishop’s Stortford CM23 2JZ.

Doors will open at 1.30pm and our guest speaker will normally start at 2.15pm.

Please do not arrive before 1.30pm as it makes it very difficult to get the hall ready for the meeting. Group leaders are invited to attend from 1.00pm to set up their tables.

There is step-free access into the main hall via double doors.

Death in Disguise - Gary Powell

Monday 7th October

"The Amazing True Story of the Chelsea Murders. This talk examines the facts from a detective’s viewpoint and asks the question of its audience: if you were a member of the jury listening to a prosecution case that had not substantiated a motive, found a murder weapon or even proved that the defendant had been at the murder scenes at the relevant times would you have condemned him to the hangman’s rope?"

Where Novelists Get Ideas - Bobbbie Derbyshire

Monday 4th November

"A beginning, a muddle and an end; where novelists get ideas."

A novelist herself, Bobbie describes how character, location, plot and sub plot make a successful story.